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Zhonghaide Automation
Bently Nevada3500/72M 140482-01Monitor

Bently Nevada3500/72M 140482-01Monitor

Bently Nevada3500/72M Monitor

Origin: United States

Brand: Bently Nevada

Bently Nevada 3500/72M 140482-01 is a 4-channel monitor primarily used to receive signals from Bently Nevada eddy current sensors and process these signals into various dynamic and static position measurement parameters, which are compared with user programmable alarm settings.


Bently Nevada3500/72M Monitor

Origin: United States

Brand: Bently Nevada

Bently Nevada 3500/72M 140482-01 is a 4-channel monitor primarily used to receive signals from Bently Nevada eddy current sensors and process these signals into various dynamic and static position measurement parameters, which are compared with user programmable alarm settings.

Product Introduction

Continuously compare the monitored parameters with the configured alarm set points, drive

alarms, and achieve mechanical protection for reciprocating compressors.

Provide important reciprocating compressor machine information to help operators and

maintenance personnel better understand the machine status.

Technical specifications and performance:

Channel configuration: Each channel can be programmed independently, with channels 1

and 2 performing one function and channels 3 and 4 performing another function (or the

same function).

Data return: including parameters such as piston rod position, displacement, position angle

peak to peak amplitude, clearance, etc.

Alarm settings: Each valid proportional value can be configured as a warning set point, and

any two valid proportional values can be configured as a danger set point.

Application scenario: Suitable for mechanical protection and status monitoring of

reciprocating compressors, providing real-time machine operation data to help prevent

mechanical failures and maintenance.

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